Both are the SAME until Mile 13
Come Join us for our Member* Group ride
OPTION #1: “Rainbow - Deluz”: We warm-up climbing into Rainbow and zoom thru Fallbrook--then the "action" begins! Very Scenic rural roads thru DeLuz that include some challenging climbs and fantastic descents! Tree Tunnels, Switchbacks, 100-mile views--its all here! Into "Old Town" Temecula and a final “sprint” to the finish! Fun!
NOTE: There are NO Services between miles 13-38! Be Prepared!
OPTION #2: “RainBrook”: Follows the above into Fallbrook then heads back thru town and Live Oak Park Road. which features a long gentle climb. Then it’s an Express route back to Rainbow via the roads we earlier travelled. We pass the start (Wolf Creek Park) at mile 28 (early exit option) to add a nice 5-mile loop in Temecula.
*Non-Members may ride one "test" ride.
Note: Due to the wide-range of fitness and ability levels among cyclists, you should load the course onto your GPS device in case you become separated from the group (ahead OR behind!)
Ride Duration Time is Estimated
All Riders must be self-sufficient (nutrition, hydration, tools, tubes, etc.)