The First Responder Cycling Club (FRCC) is pleased to associate with Law Enforcement United (LEU) in their effort to Honor the Fallen and Remember the Survivors.

LEU is a 100% volunteer organization established in 2009 by law enforcement, for law enforcement. Membership includes federal, state, and local law enforcement officers and survivors, as well as civilian support members across the United States. We honor officers who have died in the line of duty and ensure surviving families are supported and never forgotten.

LEU is a National organization with a variety of Divisions and it conducts several Events. Please visit the LEU Website for information:

LEU Beneficiaries include:

Road to Hope - 3-day, 250-mile bicycle ride.

  • Supports loved ones and co-workers of fallen law enforcement professionals

Officer Down Memorial Page

  • On-line tribute to officers killed in the line of duty, preserving the officer’s memory

Concerns of Police Survivors

  • Assists surviving family members through kid’s camp, teen, and young adult programs, as well as other hands-on programs

Spirit of Blue

  • Provides grants, training, and equipment to law enforcement communities with budget constraints

FRCC believes it is best to be cycling fit year-round to have the most positive experience in the support of such noble causes. The FRCC wishes to assist LEU Riders—all year—by inviting them to join FRCC, participate in FRCC Online Motivational Programs, and attend FRCC rides and events!*

As it says on FRCC jerseys—”Ride Lots. Stay Fit. Save Lives”!

FRCC Membership Info HERE.

*Non-Members of FRCC may ride as our Guests one time (insurance regulations) Members only may participate in FRCC online programs.